
Together you will build the plan which will make your business successful and lucrative.


CPA With our Cost Per Acquisition, you get a fixed payment for every client you refer to AvaTrade. The CPA commission structure guarantees a consistent rate for every new investing trader


Typical of long-terms partnerships, where you can continue to receive your revenue share – you’ll see profits from your client’s trading volume, as long as he keeps trading – a fixed percentage belongs to you

Dynamic CPA

If you bring large clients, you can choose the programme which will give you a certain percentage of the trader’s First Time Deposit (FTD) – the bigger the deposit the more you can earn

Master Affiliate

Want to refer clients or affiliates? You can do either or both – and get paid for your clients’ traffic and trading, as well as a fixed percentage of your sub-affiliates’ performance – as suitable for your needs





Multi level, hybrid commission structure

Calculate commissions never was so easy, with the Today Markets IB Portal you only need to set up the parameters and let the system do the work, updates constantly, in real time!

Manage IBs; CRM & reports

With the Today Markets IB Portal, create new and manage your Introducing Broker users. Get access to your own IB database and start growing the portfolio.

Analyze results, measure your goals and customize your strategy for the first time, with a real time portfolio analysis and management tool.

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