
Question and answers for our services

General questions

Can Forex Partners Promote Other Assets?
We strongly recommend that forex partners promote other assets! Today Markets has a massive asset index and offers traders major cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, ETFs, commodities, indices, and options. They regularly add new financial instruments, and there are superb marketing opportunities for forex partners to promote additional high-profile assets, especially cryptos like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ripple. Follow the market news every day, look for headlines and trends, and launch good quality creatives and campaigns. Stocks and commodities can drive quality traffic, and other assets have high value if you can tap into their online trader niche. The financial markets are highly volatile and uncertain at the moment, use your initiative and explore all relevant assets.
How Much Can I Earn every Month as a Forex Partner?
There are no limits on how much you can earn. The world’s most successful forex partners earn a monthly income that regularly crosses the six-figure threshold. They work hard to earn these high commissions and have become skillful online marketers with an eye for profitable opportunities. Forex partners are independent entrepreneurs who don’t answer to managers and bosses. The size of your monthly income will depend mainly on how many hours you choose to work and how much effort you put into your marketing campaigns. If you’re willing to reinvest a chunk of your profits to improve your content, you can exponentially increase your earnings. Even as an absolute beginner with a basic website and social media presence, you should aim to be earning several thousand dollars a month.
Will the Forex Markets be Stable in the Current Global Situation?
It’s challenging to predict the long-term performance of the forex markets. It’s also unnecessary if you’re a forex partner. Many high-earning forex partners hope that the forex markets won’t be stable this year. Volatile markets encourage aggressive trading, and dramatic news headlines attract new online traders. If you understand how to exploit market news and drive site traffic, almost any market conditions are potentially profitable for your forex partner business. If you’re also promoting a wide range of non-forex assets like stocks, cryptos, and commodities, etc., you can adjust your marketing campaigns whenever you see an opportunity.
What do I Need to Know about the Forex Markets?
You initially need to know the basics to make money as a forex partner. It pays to read the financial press, sign up for free newsletters and alerts, and understand the fundamental market forces, financial events and geopolitical events that affect the value of national currencies and create trading opportunities. Suppose you later hire financial content writers to create blog posts, site content and high converting incentives like tutorials and eBooks. In that case, you’ll need enough forex background knowledge to evaluate the content you’re paying for.
How do I Make Money as a Forex Partner?
The simplest way to make money as a forex partner is to become an online affiliate. This means that you have a website and social media channels that attract potential traders. Your high-quality content – broker reviews, market news, trading tutorials etc. – persuade site traffic to click on your unique affiliate links (supplied by the partner program). You then earn a high commission when they sign up with the broker and become active traders.
How do I Become a Forex Partner?
It’s easy to get started as a forex partner. You need some basic background knowledge of the global forex markets and online marketing. You don’t need a financial background, specialist economic knowledge, or a previous career in marketing. If you’re willing to learn and are genuinely motivated to earn a high monthly income, you can succeed.
The 5 Golden Rules of Becoming a Successful Forex Partner
Work with a regulated Broker only
Work closely with your partner program
Follow the financial news daily
Know your traffic and target audience
Constantly improve your marketing skills
Why should I promote a stock trading affiliate program?
Stocks are one of the best-known and most trusted forms of investment. The public is familiar with the concept of stock trading and is definitely aware of the big name corporations that trade on the major stock exchanges. When ordinary people decide to invest, they’ll usually consider stock trading and will go online to learn more. If you promote a stock trading affiliate program you can potentially cash in on this lucrative traffic. Potential stock traders have usually already made up their minds to invest and are just looking for a secure broker. If you have good marketing materials, you should be able to earn high commissions from your affiliate program.
How do I find a good stock trading affiliate program?
The easiest way to find a good stock trading affiliate program is to find a reliable, regulated broker with a good reputation. Regulated brokers are subject to legal oversight and provide traders with a secure online trading environment. A regulated broker will also operate an honest and well run affiliate program. You’ll get all the support you need in terms of advice, practical help and marketing materials. The other advantage of promoting an affiliate program operated by a regulated broker is that you’ll make more money over a longer time period.
How do I get paid by a stock trading affiliate program?
You should expect to get paid monthly via your agreed payment method e.g. PayPal or wire transfer. It’s important to negotiate the right commission plan before you begin to promote a stock trading affiliate program. Because many stock traders are looking for long term investment portfolios, it definitely pays to work with some kind of RevShare plan. You should aim to earn revenues from each trader’s lifetime activity with the broker. A tailored commission plan that also includes CPA is usually even better. If you’re confident of your ability to deliver high quality traffic, don’t be afraid to hold out for a good deal. A professional stock trading affiliate program will be flexible in its approach.

Introducing Brokers

What is Introducing Brokers?
When you’re starting to trade currencies, futures and other financial instruments, you’ll need to use an introducing broker. An introducing broker can introduce you to a wide range of financial markets that could otherwise be difficult to navigate on your own. There are dozens of forex affiliate programs and other offers available, but how do you choose between them? Here’s what you need to know.
Why trade with a Credible Online Broker?
A forex or CFD broker can be a fantastic resource if you’re looking to invest in foreign currencies. The key, however, is finding one that works best for your investing style. If you prefer to trade electronically, check out our list of trustworthy Forex brokers offering CFDs. But if you’d rather stick with tried-and-true stocks and shares, we’ve also compiled a detailed overview of stock brokers that offer top-notch services and unbeatable offers. No matter what your preferred trading avenue is, finding a reputable broker ensures that your hard-earned money is in good hands—which leaves you free to focus on living life by your own rules!
Focus on Quality and not Quantity
Quality traffic is what is important, not just traffic to your site. By utilising Today Markets promotional material and their expert advice, you will be able to drive quality traffic to your website, which in the end means more conversions and higher commissions.
Share your knowledge about Trading Platforms and Products
You need to establish yourself as an authority. Investors and traders will feel a lot better about following your trading advice if they know ‘this person knows what s/he is talking about’. Share your knowledge. and your expert opinions about financial products and platforms and why you choose to do what you do.
What are the main benefits of MT4 MAM?
MAM software brings several benefits to fund managers. Apart from the overall convenience of managing multiple accounts simultaneously, you can create multiple sub-groups to reflect different trading strategies. This flexibility allows for sophisticated fund management via a single interface. You can also opt for micro allocations of just 0.01 lots per client or place bloc orders from your master account. MAM integrates seamlessly with MT4 and the technology is tried and tested. All users have 24/7 technical support and backup, making the MAM-MT4 combination highly reliable.
Do I Need Qualifications to Make Money as a Multiple Account Manager?
You usually don’t need professional qualifications if you want to make money as an online multiple account manager. We recommend checking your local laws before you start earning money as a numerous account manager (MAM). Many successful multiple account managers – and online traders in general – don’t have formal financial education or academic qualifications. You may need to make money as a multiple account manager to be a skilled online trader. It would help if you also had effective people skills and the ability to understand (and respect) your clients’ financial goals and expectations. You’ll be managing several financial portfolios simultaneously, so you’ll need some agility and a macro and micro perspective.
Is MT4 MAM Software Complicated?
Most multiple account managers would describe MT4 MAM software as sophisticated rather than complicated. It’s designed to be user-friendly and allow multiple account managers to manage several client portfolios and multiple online trades simultaneously. If you can use a personal MT4 trading platform effectively, it’s not a big jump to MT4 MAM software. The processes are logical and scalable, and you have rapid access to all the data you need to analyse asset performance and devise profitable trading strategies. It’s also easy to update clients with reports and manage their trading accounts.
How do I Become a Multiple Account Manager?
If you want to become a multiple account manager and aim to increase your income exponentially, you need to become an expert online trader. Once you’re competent on the trading platform and are earning consistently high profits, a good move is to become active on the Today Markets Social platform. You’ll quickly learn how to interact with other online traders and have an excellent opportunity to build an online following and reputation. Becoming a high earning social trader is a perfect shortcut to a new career as a multiple account manager. Once you become confident enough -and skilled enough -to manage other people’s trading, you could become a multiple account manager and also profit as an affiliate partner
What reporting does MAM provide?
MAM is designed to put you firmly in control of your trading. It also allows you to report back to clients and give them detailed breakdowns of how their portfolios are performing. The MetaTrader manager delivers monthly, quarterly and annual reports, giving you a broad overview. You can access sub-reports for each account on your dashboard at any time. You can also access trading history and analyse your investment performance with a range of sophisticated tools.
What’s the difference between MT4 and MAM?
MetaTrader (MT4) is a trading platform that allows you to trade financial assets online. MAM (Multi-Account Manager) is a software tool that integrates with MT4, allowing you to easily manage multiple trading accounts from a single interface. The MAM software is popular with fund managers who need to manage hundreds, or even thousands of client accounts simultaneously. MAM allows fund managers to buy lots or place orders on behalf of multiple accounts with a single click. Profits and losses on each trade are automatically allocated to individual accounts according to their exposure.


Is it safe to promote cryptos?
Yes, there is no risk to you as an affiliate partner if you promote highly volatile assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. These popular assets often attract aggressive, high volume traders. Converting leads can yield high commissions as part of a RevShare or hybrid deal. Any risk is to the trader not the affiliate partner. Cryptocurrency traders (like forex traders) are usually willing to accept high risk levels in the hope of making high profits in a short time frame.
How do I promote Bitcoin as an affiliate?
The best way to promote Bitcoin (BTC) as an affiliate is to join a reputable affiliate partner program like Today Markets Partners. The partner program will advise you and provide you with effective marketing materials. It’s then simply a case of optimizing your website to attract potential Bitcoin traders. You can also multiply your marketing efforts across social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. You’ll need to follow Bitcoin in the media and update all your online resources to exploit the latest financial news and the market performance of cryptocurrencies.
Do I need to promote a regulated broker?
Yes, it’s extremely important to promote regulated brokers! They are interested in building long term partnerships – both with their traders and their affiliates. Regulated brokers run honest businesses and work hard to keep everybody happy. They are the only brokers that attract experienced traders and are far more likely to offer you a personalized commission plan that allows you to earn high profits over a trader’s lifetime. Unregulated brokers usually struggle to deliver more than basic CPA deals, mainly because their traders quickly leave.
Are Cryptos More Profitable than Forex for Affiliates in 2023?
Cryptos and Forex are expected to be highly profitable for affiliates in 2023. Almost all successful Forex affiliates actively promote cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ripple and vice versa. The asset types are similar and attract similar online traders. Regulated brokers like Today Markets offer a wide range of major Forex currency pairs and all of the most popular cryptos. It’s profitable to promote both Forex and cryptos, and you should adjust your affiliate marketing campaigns to focus on any crypto or Forex asset currently generating media headlines.
Are there Other Ways to Make High Profits as a Forex Affiliate?
There are several practical ways to make high profits as a Forex affiliate; these include becoming an introducing broker (IB), opening a trading academy, a call center, becoming a money manager, a fintech service provider, running a monetized YouTube channel, writing financial articles etc. There is a massive demand for additional online trading services in the Forex industry. If you have ambition and initiative, you can find many ways to make high profits as a Forex affiliate. Earning CPA and RevShare commissions as an online affiliate is just the starting point. Today Markets Partners is always keen to help Forex affiliates expand their business and earn from multiple revenue streams.
How do I Tell if a Forex Broker and Partner Program are Honest?
It’s easy to tell if an online Forex broker and partner program are honest; do some basic online research. Check if the broker is regulated and by which authorities. If you’re satisfied that the broker is regulated by several official bodies like ASIC, CySEC, Bank of Ireland etc., check how long the Forex brokerage has been established and whether it has good liquidity. You can also do some basic research on the partner program. See how long it has been in operation and how much money it has paid to affiliate partners. Is the program offering unbelievable clickbait CPA deals, or does it have a choice of flexible commission plans that offer high long term profits?
Should I promote cryptos or forex as an affiliate?
Promote both! They attract similar traffic, and there is plenty of overlap. Cryptos are generally traded online against the US dollar, so the two markets are interlinked on a fundamental level. Today Markets Partners pays high commissions for all traders, so you can’t lose. Experiment with different campaigns and different site content. Make an effort to engage with your traffic and are genuinely active on social media (as an affiliate marketer). You’ll soon learn what works best and how to optimize your campaigns and paid advertising.
Will Bitcoin Rally Again in 2023?
It’s impossible to predict the future performance of any asset – the least of all; cryptos. Digital currencies are still new assets in real terms and are constantly evolving. If we look at the past performance of Bitcoin, we can see that it produced some astonishing rallies and attracted a huge number of new traders and massive media interest. Factors to consider when we promote BTC in 2023 are the effects of the Sam Bankman-Fried trial on trader sentiment and public confidence, any rumors of increased government regulation, the effect of Fed interest rate rises, and consumer demand for alternative assets.
Which Commission Plan is most Profitable for Crypto Affiliates?
Your choice of commission plans will depend on the quality of your traffic and the type of affiliate marketing that you specialize in. If you’re an online affiliate and bring lots of low-volume first-time traders, CPA or Hybrid CPA is a good commission plan that will capitalize on your traffic conversion. As soon as you’re getting high volume, high value, long-term traders, you should negotiate a RevShare deal. There is massive potential for high, long-term commissions that can snowball into a 5 or 6 figure passive income. If you’re working with a professional, high-budget partner program, they’ll help you reach your true earning potential as a crypto affiliate.


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