What are some of the Most Promising Cryptos?

Crypto Affiliate Basics: Media Coverage Will Create Trading Opportunities in 2023

Cryptocurrencies are back in the news and attracting the attention of investors, although the news in Q1 of 2023 wasn’t the best. The big event in the crypto markets was the sudden catastrophic collapse of the FTX crypto exchange and the indictment of its founder Sam Bankman-Fried as well as a number of the company’s senior executives on a variety of charges. The charges against Bankman-Fried are snowballing and extend well beyond any malfeasance in the crypto markets.

The good news is that the crypto markets have proved remarkably resilient during their short existence. The 2023 Bankman-Fried trial is likely to become a major media circus that may cause short-term turbulence in the markets, but it won’t break them. If you’re looking to make money as a crypto affiliate or a crypto trader – it’s important to know which digital currencies are most promising. There are many options out there, but not all of them are worth investing in. If you want to get in on the action without losing your shirt, here’s what you need to know.



What is a Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses cryptography for security and authentication. Some well-known cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Cryptos are gradually entering the financial mainstream but are still very much alternative currencies. They aren’t backed by central banks and are essentially unregulated.



How do Cryptos Work?

Network nodes verify cryptocurrency transactions through cryptography. This makes them secure and resistant to fraud or manipulation. Once a transaction is verified and added to the public ledger, known as the blockchain, it becomes unchangeable.



What is Crypto Volatility?

Cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. This means they can experience sudden and significant changes in value against other currencies. This is why they’re so exciting: they allow investors to make huge gains overnight—or lose everything. To the extent that any asset has a typical trader demographic, crypto traders tend to be aggressive younger men with disposable income and an above-average appetite for risk.

Social media and viral financial news reports can rapidly drive crypto trader sentiment and create powerful trends within a very short period. Skilled crypto traders have made huge profits, particularly on Bitcoin. The Bitcoin boom made overnight millionaires. Crypto trading can be extremely lucrative, but if you’re looking for a more stable way to invest your money, you should consider using CFDs instead of buying and selling cryptocurrencies directly.



What are Crypto CFDs?

CFDs are contracts for difference. They’re financial instruments that allow you to speculate on an asset’s price movement without owning it. That means you can trade cryptos without actually buying them, which could be good if you want to try out some new trading strategies without making a big commitment upfront. It also means you don’t have to worry about losing your entire investment if the market turns against you—you’ll only lose what you’ve invested in buying any specific contract.

The advantage of CFDs is that you can open a range of (risk-managed) trades on various assets and systematically explore the most promising cryptos. If this sounds complicated, don’t worry! It’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it.

CFDs have been around for decades and have become popular among traditional investors because they offer a way to profit from rising and falling markets without buying or selling assets directly. You need to make sure you understand how CFD trading works before jumping in headfirst!



CFDs for Crypto Affiliates

Suppose you’re planning to make money as a crypto affiliate. In that case, you need to understand how CFDs work and be able to clearly explain the key advantages of CFDs (and the potential risks) in your affiliate content and marketing materials. You don’t need to be an experienced trader or a financial expert to be a successful crypto affiliate, but you need to know the basics.

When you sign up as a crypto affiliate, it’s worth opening a free Demo Account and trying out some practice trades on the most promising cryptos. You’ll gain a fast understanding of the trading platforms and financial tools on offer and valuable insight into the broader trading experience. It’s essential to understand what motivates crypto traders and their issues and concerns.



5 Most Promising Cryptos in 2023

Cryptocurrencies are a hot topic, and it’s easy to see why. With their growing popularity, they’re becoming more accessible than ever before. However, with so many cryptocurrencies on the market, how do you identify the most promising cryptos and decide which ones are worth investing in?

One way to find out is by reading up on them. Most people have heard of Bitcoin, the leading digital currency, and it has dominated the headlines in the financial press for the last couple of years. Here are some more of our favorite coins and tokens from around the world:

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

  • Price March 30th, 2023 – $28,677
  • Market Cap – $519 billion +

Bitcoin is the world’s best-known digital currency and has a high marketing value for crypto affiliates. As a volatile currency, bitcoin made many investors into millionaires before its sudden crash in May of 2022. As we enter Q2 2023, BTC is maintaining a dominant market position but has failed to recover its former glory. Some analysts are hoping that unpopular Fed decisions and uncertainty surrounding the US dollar will give BTC a boost and push it back toward the $50,000 line in 2023.



2. Ethereum (ETH)

  • Price March 30th, 2023 – $1,805
  • Market Cap – $ 212 billion +

Ethereum is another well-known digital currency that is easy for crypto affiliates to promote. Although its rise hasn’t been as meteoric as rival cryptocurrency Bitcoin, Ethereum has rewarded its investors. The crypto surged from a meager $11 in April 2016 to its current price range of around $1,800. When you promote Ethereum in your affiliate marketing campaigns, you can use similar strategies to promote Bitcoin. The two assets have a broad appeal to a similar type of trader. Ethereum gets fewer headlines than BTC, so it’s worth signing up for news alerts about the asset.



3. Tether (USDT)

  • Price March 30th, 2023 – $1
  • Market Cap – $79 billion +

Tether differs from many of its crypto counterparts in that it is a stablecoin. It’s theoretically backed by fiat currencies and is intended to retain a value that matches the US dollar. Whether that intention can survive extreme market pressures remains to be seen. The advantage of Tether for crypto affiliates is that its stability makes it attractive to potential traders who are cautious about the volatility of coins like BTC. Tether has some potential as a crypto hedge for traders who want to diversify their portfolios. Stablecoins are also a great subject for blog posts and educational site content with superb SEO value.



4. Binance Coin (BNB)

  • Price March 30th, 2023 – $316
  • Market Cap – $50 billion +/-

Binance or BNB emerged as a digital coin for trading on the Binance exchange platform. Over the last 5 years, Binance gained rapid popularity with crypto traders and became established as a leading cryptocurrency. It has enough credibility to increasingly function in mainstream finance and is an accepted payment method on many sites. Although not as well-known as Bitcoin or Ethereum, there is public recognition, and BNB has good ‘brand value’ when it comes to affiliate marketing. Binance is another digital coin that has previously rewarded traders. Its 2017 price was just 10 cents ($0.01). Today it’s trading above the $300 line.



5. U.S. Dollar Coin (USDC)

  • Price March 30th, 2023 – $1
  • Market Cap – $33 billion +/-

USDC is another leading stablecoin that purports to track the US dollar. It’s a relatively stable cryptocurrency that performs similarly to its counterpart Tether. USDC is managed by a private consortium and is powered by Ethereum. When you market USDC, it’s important to explain to traders that USDC is separate and distinct from any Central Bank Digital Currency. USDC has performed well overall but took a hit from the collapse of the Silicon Valley bank in March 2023. Crypto affiliates can still promote USDC as a (generally) stable investment that offers lower risk/reward than BTC and Ethereum etc.



Dogecoin and Elon Musk

The entrepreneur Elon Musk is a Dogecoin enthusiast and has publicly – and controversially – backed the currency to the extent that he was accused of manipulating its prices. Musk now faces a $258 billion lawsuit in a Manhattan court over claims that his social media promotion of DOGE artificially inflated its value.



Musk, Twitter, and Dogecoin

Elon Musk is one of the world’s most successful and high-profile investors. He is best known as the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter. According to Bloomberg, Elon Musk is also the world’s wealthiest man, with a net worth of $183 billion. Musk also has a reputation for eccentricity, grandstanding, and publicity stunts. In December 2020, Musk published a simple Tweet: “One Word: Doge.” The value of digital currency surged by 20%.

Over the next two years, Musk’s Tweets and public pronouncements continued to affect the price of Dogecoin. In December 2021, Musk announced that Tesla would accept payment for electric vehicles in DOGE, immediately leading to a 20% spike in the crypto’s value. Cryptocurrencies are unregulated, and there are no rules about promoting them or manipulating their prices – as there are with stocks. Musk alienated many people with his behavior but has done nothing illegal.

At the end of October 2022, Elon Musk formally acquired Twitter and fired the Board. He announced a radical overhaul of the left-leaning social media platform, with an emphasis on allowing free speech. Dogecoin more than doubled in value following the news, soaring from $0.07 to $0.16. These might look like small numbers compared to Bitcoin, but they were enough to raise the DOGE market value to $21 billion.

DOGE is a source of significant interest to the world’s wealthiest man and arguably the world’s most dynamic and driven entrepreneur. If Musk continues to publicize DOGE, it will continue to be highly volatile and create major opportunities for crypto traders and affiliates. The crypto markets are volatile and unpredictable, but Dogecoin is currently one of the world’s most promising cryptos.



Make Money as a Crypto Affiliate

Elon Musk and Dogecoin illustrate the volatility of cryptos and the massive public interest in alternative digital currencies. We’re currently experiencing highly unusual market conditions. The global economy may become even more challenging in 2023 if inflation proves more resilient than central banks are hoping, the banking system experiences more collapses, and a global recession developers. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to become attractive alternative investments in a challenging economy.

This is a great time to become a crypto affiliate and earn high commissions for crypto traffic. Top online crypto brokers and their partner programs compete for new crypto traders and are keen to work with ambitious people who can bring traffic. Today Markets Partners is one of the world’s leading partner programs and has paid out a mind-blowing $300,000,000 in commissions to its affiliate partners.

If you have a website, a solid social media presence, or a business like a trading academy or call center, you can immediately exploit your resources and boost your income. Skilled traders and brokers can earn high incomes as Introducing brokers or IBs. The advantage of becoming a crypto affiliate in 2023 is that you can drive forex traffic and make money by referring traders who are interested in commodities (especially metals and energies) as well as stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, and a variety of other assets.



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